This summer join StarStruck as we step into the enchanted world of Broadway's classic, Disney's Beauty and the Beast, an international sensation that has been produced in 37 countries worldwide. Based on the Academy Award-winning animated feature, the stage version includes all of the wonderful songs written by Alan Menken and the late Howard Ashman, along with new songs by Mr. Menken and Tim Rice. The original Broadway production ran for over thirteen years and was nominated for nine Tony Awards, including Best Musical. 
Disney's Beauty and the Beast offers a fantastic creative opportunity for rich costumes and sets, as well as the chance to perform some of the best-known songs from the past 30 years.
Directed by Lori Stokes & Courtney Stokes
Music Direction by Nancy Godfrey
Choreography by Francesca Cipponeri

    Cast List

    Thank you to everyone who auditioned for StarStruck’s 2024 summer MainStage Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. As usual, we were impressed by the talent and work ethic of everyone who took the time to audition. Please note: some roles were cast based on your initial audition rather than a callback. If we were not able to cast you this time around, we sincerely hope you will be able to attend one of our summer camps and come back again for our Winter MainStage.

    TO CONFIRM YOUR ROLE, please complete your first tuition payment by Monday, March 25th. Details on how to do this will be sent via email by Friday, March 22nd.

    Belle Gracie Wagner
    Beast Neil Basu
    Gaston Chris Apy
    Lefou AJ Torrado
    Maurice Charles Monk
    Mrs. Potts Lici Carey
    Lumiere Russell Lym
    Cogsworth Ishaan Wankhade
    Babette Lilia ten Bosch
    Madame de la Grande Bouche Sydney Freeman
    Chip Araceli Herrera
    Les Filles De La Ville
    • Venice Barbiran
    • Kaia Liu
    • Isla Williams
    Bookseller Milo Chang
    Baker Ben Chen
    Monsieur D'Arque Ben Chen
    Young Prince Marc Jay Julio
    Old Beggar Woman/Enchantress Jing Yee-Bowen


    Ensemble (To play VILLAGERS such as the Shepherd, Marie, Tavern Master, Laundry Lady, Milkmaid, Flower Seller, Sausage Curl Lady, Candlemaker, and Hat Seller, WOLVES, and Other enchanted CASTLE STAFF, including the gargoyle, flatware, napkins, etc.)

    Ali Allarde
    Liliana Anaya
    Sana Arora
    Venice Barbiran
    Savannah Cannon
    Kaylee Chang
    Milo Chang
    Ben Chen
    Dessa Delgreco
    Sofie Donati
    Lucas Gallagher
    Jacob Gonzalez
    Abigail Gould-Nordseth
    Luna Bella Hellman
    Lillian Jenkins
    Audrey Jeronimo Hartrell
    Ahnkeetah Jones
    Marc Jay Julio
    Jai Kaushik
    Joanna Kuehner
    Kaia Liu
    Adalyn Lowe
    Mari Medina
    Darius Motohari
    Hannah Oviatt
    Neel Pai
    Spencer Park
    Bella Sandoval
    Aaron Sorci
    Danielle Sorci
    Josephine Sun
    Isla Williams
    Vanessa Xu
    Jing Yee-Bowen

    Important Dates


    1st rehearsal: Thursday, May 2nd 5-7:30pm

    Mandatory Parent meeting: Thursday, May 2nd @ 7:30pm

    Tech/Spacing: July 7-18

    Performances: July 19- August 4

    Rehearsal schedule*:

    Mondays: 5pm-8pm
    Wednesdays: 5pm-8pm
    Thursdays: 5pm-8pm
    Sundays: 2pm-8pm

    *Actors are expected to be available for all rehearsals, but will only be called if needed.

    Tech/Dress Schedule:

    Once we move into the theatre, our schedule switches from 4 days/week to 6-7 days/week. NO CONFLICTS PERMITTED ONCE WE’RE AT THE THEATRE. Additionally, it is highly recommended that actors have minimal outside commitments/activities scheduled for the following dates:

    Tech/Spacing: July 7-18
    Sitzprobe & Q2Q: Saturday, July 13 10am-10pm 
    Performances: July 19- August 4

    If Cast

    Fees: Tuition Fee is $850 per actor. First payment is due approximately one week after the cast list is posted. 3-month payment plan is available. Tuition fee covers the cost of costumes, but actors are expected to provide their own modesty clothing, shoes, make-up, and hair supplies. Limited partial and full scholarships are available. Contact the for more information.

    Family Commitment: StarStruck Theatre expects performer attendance at all scheduled rehearsals. We will provide a weekly schedule with specific call times, but performers must be prepared to rehearse up to four days each week. We also require each family to contribute a minimum of 20 volunteer hours over the course of the production. There will undoubtedly be personal, family, and school events that will need to be missed because of being cast in the show.

    Additional optional expenses include purchasing show merchandise and tech dinners.

    Any questions: Contact the StarStruck office at or 510-659-1319.